virtual product studio


Creative control in the hands of the marketer

Virtual Studio creates unlimited product content at the push of a button allowing you to create content assets and save money costly and time-consuming photo and video shoots. 

  • Turn Marketing into a Creative Studio
  • Create a library of perfect product content without costly and time-consuming studio sessions
  • Every possible product configuration becomes an individual content asset at the push of a button.
  • Unlock work already done by the 3D Artists and Configuration setup
  • Consistent, and fully flexible, with endless options.
  • Brand consistency from precise control over camera positions, lighting, and virtual environment

limitless product imagery

Without re-shoots for new features, colors, or materials, 3D product content provides the asset you need today and the flexibility for unlimited change.

launch faster
Launch Faster
Virtual images are 63% quicker than traditional photography. Create images in under 10 minutes, and launch products faster.
cut costs
Cut costs

Save 6x vs traditional photo shoots, with unlimited imagery.


Maintain Consistency

Keep images consistent sitewide as you add new product options.

Virtual Studio image


  • Edit & save camera angles in Product Settings
  • Select from multiple published product versions
  • Select from multiple lighting environments. Your Dopple team can create custom lighting environments.
  • Select any or all available configurations
    (from configurations that have been created in the product). 
  • Select transparent background for product silhouettes, or set a background color.
  • Save button allows settings to be saved for next session.
  • Images download to your computer as PNG files.

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